We can help veterans appeal mesothelioma disability claims after they’ve been denied by the Veterans Administration.
When completing a claims form, it’s important to understand that VA evaluators require significant amounts of evidence describing your service-related asbestos exposure, and even how that exposure has led to a mesothelioma diagnosis. It’s important that your claim be written as clearly and with as much detail as possible, citing specific jobs, postings, or events where you believe your exposure occurred.
A good claim will also provide information about possible avenues of exposure that happened after your time in the service, and show how your service-related exposure contributed to your mesothelioma diagnosis. Standards of evidence matter, and we can help ensure that you claim is as detail-rich and fact-oriented as possible, with levels of supporting evidence that are designed to be persuasive to VA personnel who evaluate your claim.
When the Veterans Administration denies a mesothelioma disability claim, time is of the essence. Often, the appeals process can be lengthy, and for veterans fighting mesothelioma, the prognosis is often difficult.
When you work with an experienced mesothelioma attorney who routinely deals with Veterans Administration claims, you stand the best chance of providing a thorough, complete, and persuasive claims packet that can be processed promptly by the VA.
When your VA mesothelioma disability claim has been denied, get help right away. The Gertler Law Firm helps veterans in Louisiana access the benefits they and their families are entitled to, and have the resources they need to fight mesothelioma in Louisiana. Call (504) 527-8767 today for a free consultation with an experienced mesothelioma attorney who knows the VA claims system.