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Balancing Healthcare Costs: Tips For Managing Expenses During Your Personal Injury Claim

  • By: Gertler Law Firm
  • Published: September 25, 2024
Personal Injury Claim Billing Statement with a calculator and pen - Gertler Law Firm.

What Are The Options For Paying For Medical Care While Waiting For A Personal Injury Claim To Be Resolved In Orleans Parish, LA?

One option is to use your own medical insurance, but be aware that your insurer may place a lien on your case to be repaid later, which can dramatically complicate matters. Another option is to pay out of pocket and seek reimbursement after your case is resolved. Additionally, some medical providers may agree to treat you and wait for payment until your case is settled or a judgment is achieved.

What Are My Options For Getting Medical Treatment If I Don’t Have Health Insurance In Louisiana?

Unfortunately, your options for getting medical treatment without health insurance are fairly limited. University Hospital in New Orleans operates as a charity-type hospital, and may treat you without insurance. Additionally, some charitable clinics in the city may offer treatment. However, finding medical care without health insurance can be challenging, as most hospitals require some form of insurance.

What Documentation Is Crucial If I Have Limited Medical Visits?

If your medical visits are limited, it’s important to support your claim with additional documentation. Keep a personal journal to record the challenges you’re faced due to your injury and your progress in healing. Eyewitness accounts from family members can also help detail the pain, suffering, and limitations you’re experiencing.

Keep pharmacy receipts for any medication you’re taking, such as painkillers or anti-inflammatories, to demonstrate your efforts to manage your condition. You will also benefit from taking photos of your injuries. Let’s say you injured your ankle, and it’s swollen. Taking periodic photos of your ankle to show the swelling and how long it lasted can sometimes be a good substitute for detailed medical records.

Assisting Clients Who Don’t Have Access To Healthcare

At our law firm, we’re fortunate to have relationships with a group of doctors willing to treat our clients for certain injuries and defer payment until the case is settled or a judgment is secured. This arrangement allows us to assist clients who lack adequate health insurance or access to medical care by connecting them with doctors who are willing to take on the risk of delayed or uncertain payment.

Helping clients in a capacity beyond the legal world—namely by helping them treat with very qualified doctors who are willing to see them, even if they don’t have medical insurance—is almost as rewarding as delivering them the results they deserve in the courtroom.

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started?

For more information on Balancing Healthcare Costs, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (504) 527-8767 today.

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