It’s prudent to reach out to an attorney as soon after a mesothelioma diagnosis as possible.
There are several reasons for this.
First, Louisiana’s statute of limitations for asbestos injuries creates a kind of clock that starts on the day of your diagnosis. From that date, you have one year to decide whether to take legal action.
The earlier you begin the process with an attorney, the less pressure you’ll be under as important deadlines approach.
Another reason to talk to a lawyer soon after diagnosis is that, frankly speaking, mesothelioma is often only diagnosed once it’s at a late stage.
Taking any sort of action is simply easier while you’re still relatively healthy, as both the disease and treatment will take their toll on your energy levels.
Your lawyer will need to learn about your work history, places you’ve lived, and other relevant information to identify when and where you were exposed to asbestos in order to file a claim.
Tracking down records and other documentation that you may have stored is also helpful. These things may simply be easier to take care of early on.
The most important thing is that you do reach out to an experienced mesothelioma attorney to talk through your situation and learn how you can help protect yourself and your family.
Call The Gertler Law Firm today at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation with an experienced New Orleans mesothelioma and asbestos injury lawyer.