No, if you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma in New Orleans, you’ll pursue a claim against any of a number of potential parties, from former employers and the VA to the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products, based on those entities’ negligence in exposing you to cancer-causing asbestos. Wrongful death claims in a mesothelioma context are filed by the survivors of a loved one who has died against the parties whose negligence caused the loved one to develop mesothelioma. It is possible for you to collect compensation and, if you succumb to mesothelioma, for your family to bring a wrongful death suit against the guilty parties after your death. These cases are complicated, both legally and emotionally, which is why it’s a good idea to sit down with an experienced mesothelioma attorney who can explain your options to you. At The Gertler Law Firm, we realize that this is a difficult time for you…Read More
Mesothelioma always represents an instance of negligence on the part of asbestos companies and many large employers who knowingly exposed their workers to carcinogenic asbestos fibers without informing them of the dangers or providing safety equipment to protect them. When a person is diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s usually based on workplace exposure to asbestos, though sometimes the person is a close family member of someone who worked in a contaminated facility. This type of exposure is considered second-hand or secondary asbestos exposure, and people who develop mesothelioma this way are still eligible for compensation. Not every mesothelioma claim will include a lawsuit, but working with an experienced New Orleans mesothelioma attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve quickly and with a minimum of hassle. Applying for VA benefits with a mesothelioma claim can be confusing, and pursuing asbestos settlement trusts can be complicated for a lay person. At The Gertler Law…Read More
It’s possible that your home in New Orleans does have asbestos insulation, especially if the property is older construction. Even in new homes, insulation can still contain a small percentage of asbestos, but in houses built before the 1980s, it’s almost certain that insulation and other components contain asbestos. This can pose a problem for do-it-yourselfers and professionals who specialize in home renovation, who should always take strict precautions to protect their airways from asbestos fibers. Other parts of your home that may have been built with asbestos-containing material in earlier decades include roofing, floor tiles, and tiles used in ceilings. While the use of asbestos in commercial products has been extremely curtailed by law starting in the 1970s, dangers persist in the environment. In some cases, exposure to these products can lead to the development of several diseases, including asbestosis and mesothelioma, that are exclusively linked to exposure to…Read More
Using A Mesothelioma Attorney To Fight Occupational Exposure To Asbestos In Louisiana While most mesothelioma cases can be linked to occupational exposure to asbestos, for some people, the source of asbestos may be less clear. When you work with an experienced New Orleans mesothelioma lawyer, we can help you find out where and when you were likely to have encountered airborne asbestos during the course of your life. For many, the exposure occurred when a loved one, a spouse or a parent, worked in an environment where asbestos fibers were present. The loved one would come home with their hair, skin, and clothing coated in a fine dust of carcinogenic asbestos fibers, and the home environment would be contaminated. For others, living in proximity to a site where asbestos was heavily used may have resulted in environmental exposure to asbestos. In neighborhoods proximate to manufacturing facilities, oil refineries, and other industrial centers, wind…Read More
How Louisiana Construction Workers Are At Risk For Mesothelioma There are several ways that the construction industry today continues to create a risk of asbestos exposure, and the potential for mesothelioma as a result, for those who work there. First, jobs that involve demolition of older structures, whether residential or commercial, are likely to involve material that contains asbestos. Even though many commercial buildings were retrofitted in the 1980s and 1990s to remove things like asbestos insulation, until that point in time, dozens of the components that went into buildings included asbestos, from drywall and shingles to paint and glues. People who work on jobs like this should be aware of the dangers of airborne contaminants – and asbestos is just one of many – and use proper respiratory protection and other protective equipment. New Construction And The Risk For Asbestos Exposure In Louisiana But what about those who mostly handle…Read More
How A Small Business Owner Can Receive Compensation For Asbestos Exposure In Louisiana Roofers and others who work in construction are at a higher risk of developing diseases like mesothelioma. They are also at risk at developing other asbestos-linked diseases. It’s a reality that the construction industry is widely comprised of small, owner-operated enterprises. Having spent your life building your business, you are now forced to deal with the impact of spending years exposed to asbestos. Things like shingles and roofing materials exposed you to these cancer-causing fibers. When you and your crew removed existing roofing and installed new roofing, all of you were likely inhaling countless numbers of these toxic fibers. As the owner of the business that exposed you to asbestos, is there anyone you can turn to for the compensation you deserve? The answer is that yes, there are likely sources from which compensation can be sought,…Read More
How Much You Might Win In A Mesothelioma Lawsuit In New Orleans It would be convenient if there were a “typical” mesothelioma case. The truth is that each case is unique. The awards and settlements that people with mesothelioma receive in New Orleans vary a lot. Nationally, groups like the RAND Corporation and Mealey’s Litigation Report have estimated that the average mesothelioma case wins approximately a million dollars per claim. Without an extensive understanding of a particular case, it’s impossible to guess what it might be worth. Some claims will result in settlements or awards well below that figure, and others yield awards or settlements far higher. The best way to determine the likely value of your mesothelioma claim is to talk to an experienced New Orleans mesothelioma lawyer. Hiring An Attorney To File A Mesothelioma Claim In New Orleans At The Gertler Law Firm, we’ve been representing people in New Orleans who’ve been diagnosed with…Read More
Timeline For Hiring A New Orleans Lawyer For Lawsuit For Mesothelioma Exposure Louisiana has a one-year statute of limitations in most injury cases. This means that an injured person has one year to file a claim after they’ve been hurt. With Mesothelioma, the date of the injury isn’t the deciding factor. It is the date that the injury becomes known to the injured person. What this means is that in your job, you were injured through possibly chronic exposure to asbestos. But the statute of limitations isn’t set to when you experienced the initial injury. Instead, the statute of limitations kicks in when the injury becomes clear. This means when you received a diagnosis of mesothelioma, asbestosis, or other asbestos-linked disease. Many people, especially older Americans, spent years or decades working in jobs where asbestos exposure was a daily fact of life. The asbestos industry knew that its products posed…Read More
New Orleans Mesothelioma Attorney For People Who Have A History Of Smoking Yes, because mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. A history of smoking or other lifestyle choices doesn’t harm your ability to get compensation if you’ve been diagnosed with this deadly form of cancer. Most people who develop mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos in the workplace years before. Some were exposed to asbestos during military service. Others are family members of a person who worked in an asbestos-contaminated workplace and brought asbestos fibers home on their clothes, skin, and hair. This is called secondary asbestos exposure. In all cases, manufacturers of asbestos, products that include asbestos, and employers themselves may be liable for injuries caused by their toxic products and dangerous work environments. You Are Still Eligible For Compensation In A Mesothelioma Lawsuit Even If You Are A Smoker If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma in New Orleans, The Gertler Law Firm can…Read More
How To Pay Your Mesothelioma Attorney In New Orleans At The Gertler Law Firm, we work with people in New Orleans and Louisiana who’ve suffered injuries like mesothelioma, which is understood to be caused by exposure to asbestos. In order to provide the most legal assistance to the greatest number of people, we’ve chosen to operate our firm on what is known as a contingency-fee basis. This means that we take no payment from you upfront, and only collect money if you do. In general, you can expect that somewhere between one-quarter and one-third of an award will be used to compensate the work that our lawyers, researchers, investigators, and other professionals perform during your case. Unlike fee-for-service firms, when you work with The Gertler Law Firm, you can trust that we believe you have a strong case that can be carried to a successful resolution. You can also trust…Read More