There are many reported cases of children getting mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos fibers that a parent brought home from work. The fibers are usually carried on parents work clothes and the entire home is exposed at that point. In fact, we have represented several individuals that have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, even though they were never directly exposed to asbestos. But their Mother or Father were. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, why not get your questions answered – call the Gertler Law Firm at (504) 527-8767. The call is free.Read More
We can help veterans appeal mesothelioma disability claims after they’ve been denied by the Veterans Administration. When completing a claims form, it’s important to understand that VA evaluators require significant amounts of evidence describing your service-related asbestos exposure, and even how that exposure has led to a mesothelioma diagnosis. It’s important that your claim be written as clearly and with as much detail as possible, citing specific jobs, postings, or events where you believe your exposure occurred. A good claim will also provide information about possible avenues of exposure that happened after your time in the service, and show how your service-related exposure contributed to your mesothelioma diagnosis. Standards of evidence matter, and we can help ensure that you claim is as detail-rich and fact-oriented as possible, with levels of supporting evidence that are designed to be persuasive to VA personnel who evaluate your claim. When the Veterans Administration denies a mesothelioma…Read More
While mesothelioma can affect people of any age, in Louisiana, most mesothelioma patients are older and often live on a fixed income. When it comes to paying for mesothelioma treatments, including travel costs to cancer centers that focus on asbestos-related cancers like mesothelioma, insurance and Medicare may not be enough. For folks in New Orleans and elsewhere in the state that are facing a mesothelioma diagnosis, appropriate healthcare administered by qualified oncologists is not optional. Some individuals and their family members may have access to established compensation funds if exposure can be linked to particular companies and work sites. Veterans can submit claims to the VA that will entitle them to help both with accessing mesothelioma specialists throughout the VA system, and helping to pay for the out of pocket costs that people on fixed incomes with mesothelioma may not be able to easily afford. But even with these sources…Read More
There is no “set” latency period for contracting Mesothelioma. There have been reported instances of individuals being exposed to asbestos more than 50 years ago getting the disease. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you reside anywhere in Louisiana, contact us at (504) 527-8767 and get your questions answered.Read More
Because of the relatively small number of individuals who are diagnosed with mesothelioma in Louisiana, there are not dedicated mesothelioma treatment centers in the state. When you’re diagnosed with mesothelioma in New Orleans or elsewhere in Louisiana, your doctor will refer you to a hospital specializing in cancer treatment, where patients facing the disease will work with top-flight oncologists and others who specialize in treating cancer. While there aren’t specific mesothelioma treatment centers in Louisiana, many patients are eligible to participate in research that may be happening here or elsewhere around the country. Clinical trials and other mesothelioma treatment studies give researchers new insights and tools into how best to diagnose and treat mesothelioma. Your doctor can provide you with more specifics about ongoing research you may be eligible to participate in. If you are a veteran who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Louisiana, you have access to mesothelioma specialists throughout the…Read More
Many companies, when faced with liability issues related to asbestos-linked diseases like mesothelioma, have chosen to protect themselves from lawsuits by filing for bankruptcy protection in US courts. Fortunately, when liability is a factor in these types of filings, the courts will order the company to set aside money in a mesothelioma trust fund to ensure that injured workers are able to obtain help in paying for mesothelioma treatment in Louisiana and elsewhere, while still allowing the company to reorganize itself and possibly emerge from bankruptcy protection in the future. To qualify for compensation from mesothelioma trust funds from companies who’ve filed for bankruptcy protection, you’ll have to provide evidence of several things. First, you’ll need proof of a medical diagnosis of an asbestos-related disease, like mesothelioma cancer. A physician will need to provide a statement confirming the diagnosis and providing any other pertinent information that may help your claim. Your doctor should…Read More
The men and women who worked to help rebuild the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina worked in difficult, and often dangerous, conditions for months on end. One of the potential risks they encountered is exposure to old building materials, including asbestos. The important thing that these workers should keep in mind is that mesothelioma is a relatively rare cancer, and that asbestos exposure during the Gulf Coast cleanup doesn’t automatically mean that they are destined to develop any diseases linked to it. At the same time, because mesothelioma has an incubation period of anywhere from 10-40 years, we’re approaching the time period where some individuals may start to become sick. People who know or suspect they’ve had exposure to asbestos should have conversations with their doctors about mesothelioma cancer and other asbestos-linked illnesses. Not all family physicians have seen mesothelioma, so ask your doctor to become informed and know…Read More
A doctor in the Veterans Administration healthcare system may or may not have more experience with mesothelioma patients than a civilian family practice physician, but where VA healthcare really makes a difference for veterans with mesothelioma is in the fact that vets have access to cancer and mesothelioma specialists throughout the entire network of VA hospitals. When your asbestos exposure was service-related, which is the case for many of America’s veterans, VA also offers benefits that can help you with travel costs and other incidentals necessary to get the treatment you need to fight mesothelioma. Millions of servicemembers were exposed to asbestos over the course of many decades, as the military and many civilian industries relied on the fibers for fireproofing and insulation. Shipbuilders, pipefitters, construction specialties, automotive maintenance, and demolition work, among many others, has exposed soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines to miniscule airborne asbestos fibers, which when inhaled…Read More
Shortly After His Funeral, I Found A Signed Will Made Before Our Marriage And Lawsuit. Does This Will Affect My Rights? Our deepest condolences. Since the will was made prior to your marriage, and the mesothelioma lawsuit was filed afterward, you may be entitled to a legal share from his probate estate. However, an attorney would want to review the executed retainer agreement to determine the portion of your husband’s estate that you are entitled to claim under state law. We recommend that you contact a probate attorney for more information to assert a claim. Give us a call at the Gertler Law Firm – (504) 527-8767.Read More
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, usually in the workplace, which can take many decades to develop. Because of this, most mesothelioma patients are older, and often have other health issues that they are dealing with. Making the job of diagnosis more difficult is the fact that early signs of mesothelioma are often vague and can appear to be any of a number of normal health problems that don’t necessarily raise red flags for doctors. Most instances of mesothelioma develop in the lungs of former workers at contaminated sites who breathed in tiny fibers of asbestos, some of which became lodged in the small airways of the lungs. This is known as pleural mesothelioma, and is often diagnosed in later stages by doctors. Early symptoms of pleural mesothelioma can include things like a dry cough, low back pain, fatigue, or weight loss, and all of these symptoms…Read More