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Dog Bites Dog Bites

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Many people would rather skip the legal fees and time out of their schedules to meet with a lawyer about injury cases like dog bites, but the fact is that people who negotiate these settlements on their own typically end up with considerably less compensation than they obtain when they hire representation, even after attorney fees. Research has shown that when people try to negotiate their own dog bite case with an insurer, they end up with a tiny fraction of their possible award, as little as 10-20 percent. On the other hand, when people work with experienced injury attorneys who know dog bite law in New Orleans and Louisiana, even after you factor attorney fees in, you’ll walk away with as much as 80% of your potential award. The difference can be tens of thousands of dollars, and there’s just no reason to leave that money lying on the table…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Some states require that a dog bite victim prove that an animal has bitten someone in the past in order to collect damages. This is known as the one free bite rule, but this isn’t the law in Louisiana. Instead, in Louisiana, we have a strict liability rule when it comes to dog bites. Victims must only show that they did nothing to provoke the dog, and that the owner didn’t take reasonable precautions to prevent the dog from biting. Evidence such as poor maintenance of a fence, allowing a dog to roam freely, or avoidance of leash laws can be used to show that the owner did not act in a way to prevent a dog bite. In Louisiana, dog bite cases are typically handled by the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy, and cases can generally be settled outside of court by an experienced dog bite attorney. Make sure you consult one…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

There are a series of steps you should take after suffering a dog bite in New Orleans. It’s very important that you try to identify the dog and the dog’s owner to determine whether the dog is properly vaccinated against rabies. If you’ve been bitten by a stray dog, your medical treatment is likely to more extensive than if the dog is known to be vaccinated. In addition to seeking medical treatment for the dog bite, you should try to get contact information from witnesses to the incident. Document all types of injuries, including puncture wounds, cuts, and bruising. If you can identify the owner of the dog, get their contact information and insurance information. Photographs of the scene where the incident occurred are also helpful. As soon as possible, write down a thorough narrative of the events so that you have a contemporaneous account available. If you wish to file a…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Yes, when a dog attacks your dog in New Orleans, you can pursue a claim against the dog’s owner to be reimbursed for the costs of veterinary care. Depending on the specific facts of your case, you may also be eligible for punitive damages and compensation for time away from work and other losses related to the incident. New Orleans is definitely a dog-friendly city, but that means that some pets and some pet owners will put others and their dogs at risk. Whether the incident happened on the street, in a dog park, or in a home, if the attacking dog’s owner isn’t willing to work with you to compensate you for your losses, an experienced New Orleans dog bite attorney may be your best recourse to collect. Louisiana law treats dog bite cases with a strict liability formula, meaning that with very few exceptions, the owner of a dog who…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Lawsuits can be unpredictable, so there’s no one answer to how long a type of case might take. In the majority of cases that are filed, the at-fault party’s insurance company settles out of court, and relief can often be had in a matter of weeks or months. Sometimes the at-fault party or their insurer will fight the case, which can stretch the timeline considerably. When it comes to any legal action you may be considering after a dog bite, it’s best to meet with an experienced injury attorney to talk through the facts of your case and determine the best way forward. At The Gertler Law Firm, we have three decades of experience helping people who’ve been bitten by dogs in New Orleans recover damages and regain their lives. Our attorneys are experts in the issues around dog bites, and can help you understand your current and future status and what may…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Yes, even if a dog bite injury occurred when a friend and their dog was visiting your home, you can usually build a case for damages. New Orleans and Louisiana apply a strict liability framework in dog bite cases, which means that without evidence of something like provocation of the animal, the owner of the dog is assumed to be liable in dog bite injury cases. The majority of dog bite cases nationwide involve children as the victims of a bite. This can lead to long-term medical issues, including cosmetic surgeries to correct disfigurement that health insurance companies may or may not cover, plus enormous strain on the financial and time resources of the entire family. The costs aren’t just in the bills that are due, but also in time lost from work by the parents, and attention taken away from other children and one another. Serious dog bite situations involving a…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Many people are under the impression that bringing a lawyer into the mix after a friend’s, neighbor’s, or stranger’s dog has bitten a child is overkill, but the truth is that fewer than 17% of dog bite cases in America are compensated. The vast majority of dog bite cases involve children, and oftentimes there are injuries requiring treatment. After a dog bite you are entitled under the law to recoup money, lost wages, and other losses you may have experienced. Homeowner’s insurance policies typically cover damages related to dog bites by the insured’s pet, but you can’t count on an insurance adjuster working to get you the best settlement available – quite the opposite, in fact. The insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, and is not looking out for you. That’s the job for your attorney, who will represent you vigorously in negotiations with the insurance company, and almost always end up…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

When you hire an attorney to handle a dog bite case in New Orleans, you have control over how your attorney handles the issues in the case. There are a few things to keep in mind, with the primary being that your attorney will negotiate with your neighbor’s homeowner’s insurance company in most instances. You’ll be filing an insurance claim that will typically be settled once you have a doctor’s diagnosis and prognosis in hand. Relationships with neighbors are a valid concern in dog bite cases, but that doesn’t mean you should suffer twice when you or a child has been attacked by a dog. An experienced New Orleans dog bite attorney knows how to negotiate with insurers, and will follow your instructions when it comes to how to handle ancillary issues like the status of the dog and your neighbor’s liability. An attorney can also help you win a much larger settlement…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

A “Beware of Dog” sign may provide some protection for a dog owner whose pet has bitten someone in New Orleans. The specific facts of your case will have to be evaluated to determine whether the sign alone would shield the owner from the dog’s actions. There are cases where the sign indicates that the owner is aware that their dog is dangerous and makes a finding of negligence or recklessness more likely. An experienced dog bite attorney will be able to give you the most full accounting of the specifics of your case, and help you decide what strategy to pursue after a dog bite. At The Gertler Law Firm, we’ve helped people in New Orleans cut through the confusion and take action and sue after a dog bite, for 30 years. We’ve recovered more than $100 million in damage awards and settlements for our clients. When you or a loved one…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

It’s hard to give an estimate for averages in lawsuit settlement amounts for dog bite or other personal injury cases in New Orleans. Each case is determined based on its own unique set of facts, so your case may or may not be similar. In general, people who experience dog bites, or when a child experiences a dog bite, are entitled to damages that cover a variety of the costs incurred by the individual or family. For instance, medical bills associated with the dog bite can be reimbursed, including future medical costs that may be incurred after the suit is settled or decided. No two cases will include the same medical costs, which may be anything from an ER visit with stitches, to extensive cosmetic surgeries over a period of months or years to hide disfiguring injuries. There are so many variables that it’s impossible to guess an average amount you may be…Read More

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