If Medicare/Medicaid has paid for any medical care, they have the right to recover for treatment incurred as a result of a third-party. If that is the case in your situation, they will be entitled to recoup any money paid to treat those injuries out of your lawsuit settlement. If you have questions about an accident that caused serious injuries, call the Gertler Law Firm at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation.Read More
In Louisiana, like most states, claims are not always settled quickly and can drag on. If your injury claim does not settle prior to the statute of limitation date, a lawsuit will have to be filed before that date. If you do not, you lose the ability to file a lawsuit to pursue your claim any further. If you have questions about serious injury or accident in the New Orleans area, call the Gertler Law Firm at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation.Read More
You may be able to file a lawsuit against the bar for inadequate security or other related negligence. However, more information regarding the circumstances of the assault would be needed to make a determination as to what claims are viable. If you have questions about injuries sustained through no fault of your own, call the Gertler Law Firm at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation.Read More
What Are My Legal Rights? I’ve Used All my Sick Time and Now my Employer Wants me to Return to Work Before Being Released by My Doctor. What are my Legal Rights? First and foremost, find out what is your diagnosis and prognosis. You will need a medical opinion on the course of your disease, injury and/or illness. Second, you do not have to return to work, depending upon the medical opinion. This particular issue is typically not related to injury lawsuits but to Workers Compensation. We recommend that you find a lawyer that handles Workers’ Compensation. If you would like a recommendation on a first-rate workers comp attorney in New Orleans, call the Gertler Law Firm at (504) 527-8767.Read More
If you have a question related to a serious accident or mesothelioma and potential legal action, including lawsuits, we likely have the answer to that question right here. Down to the right on this page, you will see a search box. Just type your question in the box and click search. Every question and answer related to that subject will be available for your review. You can also find the specific category you might be interested in down to the right as well. Just click on the category that interests you. And if by chance we don’t have the answer to your question here, call us at (504) 527-8767 and ask. We will be able to help you personally!Read More