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Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Yes, a resident who is between contracts or has some other arrangement with a nursing home, assisted living facility, or other long-term care facility can take action when nursing home abuse or neglect happens in New Orleans. Immediate family members or survivors can also pursue claims against a nursing care facility that fails to provide an appropriate standard of care, violates residents’ rights, or creates conditions that lead to injury or death. This can include anything from poor hiring procedures to facility cleanliness to mis-administration of medication, and much more. Nursing homes are required by law to provide high quality care to those who reside on the premises. While an existing contract may provide additional protections, Louisiana law is very clear on the basic rights that such facilities may not violate, including civil and religious rights, freedom from abuse, and freedom to make independent financial decisions. Nursing home abuse and neglect is a real…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Families considering nursing home care for an elderly parent or other loved one have ample reason to be concerned for the welfare and care their family member will receive. While the vast majority of nursing homes and their staff endeavor to provide the highest quality care, the fact is that bad actors can end up on staff, or shoddy administration can create a culture of neglect or even abuse in a nursing home. When you place your loved one in nursing home care, some of the warning signs to watch for of nursing home abuse or neglect include: Changes to personality or mood Minor injuries like bruises or cuts Serious injuries Bed sores or infections Lack of cleanliness in the facility itself Infections or frequent illness in your loved one Unexplained weight loss or weight gain. Nursing home abuse and neglect is a growing problem for seniors and their families, and any…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Nursing home neglect or abuse isn’t always easy to prove, but the suspicion itself can be crushing to family members who are doing their best to provide a high level of care for an elderly parent or grandparent. Some of the common signs will be physical and obvious, while others are less clear and can leave you questioning your own judgment. Physical signs of neglect or abuse among nursing home residents include injuries like broken bones, unexplained bruises, bed sores, cuts and abrasions, and similar indicators that physical force is being used or physical care isn’t being provided. But for many people in nursing homes, the abuse is more subtle, and may manifest as changes in personality or mood such as elevated anxiety or symptoms of depression. The bottom line is that your intuition is a powerful guide, and if you suspect that a loved one is being abused or neglected in…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Lawsuit Attorney For Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect Cases In New Orleans In cases of nursing home abuse or neglect, residents are entitled to an array of potential remedies, including damage awards for injuries and losses suffered. In general, a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect can expect compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, any anticipated future medical expenses related to chronic issues or disfigurement from the abuse, and in some cases, punitive damages meant to disincentivize a corporate culture that allows such conduct. As a society, we cannot ever tolerate the abuse and neglect of our elders whose care is entrusted to professionals. At The Gertler Law Firm, we help victims of nursing home abuse in New Orleans learn their legal options and map out the appropriate strategies to protect your loved one, and all other residents in the home’s care. Call us today at (504) 527-8767 and talk to an…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

If you have observed evidence of nursing home abuse or neglect in New Orleans, you should contact the Health Standards Section, which monitors licensed nursing homes in the state. Health Standards Section investigators will be responsible for following up on reports of abuse, which can result in significant consequences to the home if they are substantiated. You have legal recourse when a loved one has been victimized by abuse or neglect in a nursing home, and your loved one may be entitled to compensation, including medical costs, pain and suffering, and punitive damages. The most important thing is protecting your loved one and making sure that no residents in the nursing home are subject to abuse or neglect by staff. The Gertler Law Firm is experienced in nursing home abuse lawsuit cases, and we can help you ensure that your loved one stays safe and secure. Call us today at (504) 527-8767 for a free…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

New Orleans Lawsuit Compensation Attorney For Elder Abuse And Neglect In A Nursing Home Facility No, the nursing home is prohibited by law from retaliating against residents or their families when they report nursing home abuse or neglect in New Orleans. Under Louisiana’s Abuse and Neglect of Adults Act, it is a misdemeanor for any person, from staff to administrators, to take action against a person who reports abuse or neglect to law enforcement. Violations can result in a six month jail sentence and a $500 fine for those who are found guilty. You have an obligation to protect your loved one and all residents at a nursing home where improper or inadequate care is provided, or where there are indications of physical or sexual abuse. At The Gertler Law Firm, we can help you take the right steps to ensure that your loved one is properly cared for and their rights…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

The signs of nursing home abuse or neglect aren’t always obvious. A loved one who displays confusion or changed mental state should raise flags for possible inappropriate use of medication or dehydration. When a loved one in nursing home care in New Orleans suffers a fall, you should investigate the matter carefully. Any indication of force must be dealt with, but it’s important to learn how and where staff were when the incident occurred and as many specifics as possible. In a nursing home facility where residents routinely suffer injuries from apparently innocuous events, residents may be experiencing an inadequate level of care, or neglect, rather than outright abuse. There are state agencies that should be notified when you worry about abuse or neglect in nursing homes in New Orleans. The Gertler Law Firm is extremely experienced in helping to ensure that your loved one is getting the level of care you expect and…Read More

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Some of the most vulnerable New Orleans citizens reside in nursing homes. Placing a parent or grandparent in a nursing home is a very difficult decision, and we all want to make sure they are well cared for. While it is difficult to obtain hard data on the frequency of abuse or neglect of nursing home residents, the numbers that are available are sobering. Studies have shown that some form of resident abuse occurs in more than 30% of all nursing homes in the United States. It is difficult, however, to come up with an exact figure for two reasons. First, nursing home abuse and neglect can cover a wide variety of issues – including failure to properly supervise medication, allowing bed sores to fester and actual physical or sexual abuse of a resident by staff or other residents. Because of the variety of behaviors that can be categorized as abusive, it…Read More

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