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Did Companies Know That Asbestos Was Dangerous Before The 1970s?

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Suing An Employer For Asbestos Exposure In Louisiana

Yes, prior to the United States imposing strict regulations on asbestos starting in the 1970s, there were dozens of reports, case studies, and medical journal articles documenting the hazards associated with working with asbestos and the link to diseases like asbestosis and cancer.

As far back as the late 1800s, medical professionals understood that asbestos posed a danger to human health, and by the 1920s, life insurance companies in the United States and Canada had stopped selling policies to workers in asbestos-intensive fields.

Researchers and public health professionals who investigated the matter over the next five decades arrived at the same conclusion, until finally the government took action to reduce human exposure to asbestos fibers.

The companies that mined asbestos and those that used the mineral in thousands of products knew or should have known that they were exposing their workers and customers to a dangerous product that could damage their health and even cause incurable cancer.

Because those companies chose to do nothing, and pretend the problem didn’t exist, tens of thousands of families have had to face unnecessary misery, preventable illness, and even early death.

It’s a shameful legacy that hundreds of companies were ultimately forced to deal with by the courts.

Attorney For Victims Of Workplace Asbestos Exposure In Louisiana

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have rights to compensation because so many corporate interests engaged in misconduct over such a long period of time.

In New Orleans, The Gertler Law Firm has helped families get justice and compensation for more than 35 years.

Call (504) 527-8767today to talk to an experienced New Orleans asbestos injury attorney for free.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

At Gertler Law Firm, we focus on personal injury litigation, providing our clients with a level of commitment and expertise that only the best personal injury lawyers can offer. - Call Us Now - (504) 527-8767

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