It’s possible that your home in New Orleans does have asbestos insulation, especially if the property is older construction.
Even in new homes, insulation can still contain a small percentage of asbestos, but in houses built before the 1980s, it’s almost certain that insulation and other components contain asbestos.
This can pose a problem for do-it-yourselfers and professionals who specialize in home renovation, who should always take strict precautions to protect their airways from asbestos fibers.
Other parts of your home that may have been built with asbestos-containing material in earlier decades include roofing, floor tiles, and tiles used in ceilings.
While the use of asbestos in commercial products has been extremely curtailed by law starting in the 1970s, dangers persist in the environment.
In some cases, exposure to these products can lead to the development of several diseases, including asbestosis and mesothelioma, that are exclusively linked to exposure to asbestos.
If you’ve been diagnosed with asbestosis, mesothelioma, or another asbestos-related disease, call The Gertler Law Firm today at (504) 527-8767.
We’ve been helping families facing this diagnosis for more than three decades, and our experienced, compassionate mesothelioma attorneys can help you get all the compensation the law allows.