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Does My Family Need To Be Concerned For Their Health If My Job Exposed Me To Asbestos?

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

New Orleans Asbestos Injury Lawsuit Attorney

While we won’t recommend living with an undue fear of the future, it is true that family members of workers who were exposed to asbestos have sometimes developed mesothelioma as a result of their loved one’s career.

It’s thought that an employee of an asbestos-contaminated facility would come home, unknowingly carrying a fine layer of asbestos fibers on their skin, clothing, and hair, and unwittingly contaminate the home environment.

Spouses and children of exposed workers have both later developed asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases, including lung and other forms of cancer.

It’s a good idea for family members of people who’ve been exposed to asbestos to take their health seriously, make good choices around diet and exercise, and see their doctors regularly for preventative care.

Family Members Exposed To Secondhand Asbestos In New Orleans May Develop Mesothelioma

If a family member begins to exhibit symptoms of an asbestos-related disease, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, ongoing fatigue, and changes in appetite or weight, consult a physician right away. Let them know that asbestos exposure is likely and get it checked out.

If you or a loved one does develop mesothelioma, get the experienced legal help you need to get the compensation you deserve.

The team at The Gertler Law Firm has been helping families in New Orleans file lawsuits because of a mesothelioma diagnosis for more than 30 years. Call us today at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

At Gertler Law Firm, we focus on personal injury litigation, providing our clients with a level of commitment and expertise that only the best personal injury lawyers can offer. - Call Us Now - (504) 527-8767

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