No, so-called “shaker cases” describe mesothelioma in a spouse, or sometimes in the children, of a person who worked in an asbestos-contaminated facility, and brought asbestos fibers home on their clothes.
When their spouse, usually a wife, would launder their clothes, they would often shake the dust out before putting them in the wash.
Unfortunately, that dust was largely comprised of asbestos fibers, which were then inhaled by the spouse or children.
Shaker cases are a form of second-hand asbestos exposure that has tragically impacted many families in the New Orleans area.
Because so much of our industry put asbestos-containing products to use for so long, families in the area often seem disproportionately affected by asbestos and the diseases it can cause in people.
If your family has been impacted by asbestos exposure, either directly or through second-hand exposure, you should know that there are legal avenues for you.
The compensation that manufacturers of asbestos and companies that used it widely have set aside can make a big difference in how you can access treatment and the kind of legacy you can leave to your family.
If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma in New Orleans, call The Gertler Law Firm today at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation with an experienced New Orleans asbestos injury attorney.