Nursing home neglect or abuse isn’t always easy to prove, but the suspicion itself can be crushing to family members who are doing their best to provide a high level of care for an elderly parent or grandparent.
Some of the common signs will be physical and obvious, while others are less clear and can leave you questioning your own judgment.
Physical signs of neglect or abuse among nursing home residents include injuries like broken bones, unexplained bruises, bed sores, cuts and abrasions, and similar indicators that physical force is being used or physical care isn’t being provided.
But for many people in nursing homes, the abuse is more subtle, and may manifest as changes in personality or mood such as elevated anxiety or symptoms of depression.
The bottom line is that your intuition is a powerful guide, and if you suspect that a loved one is being abused or neglected in a nursing home, you have a duty to take action to protect your family member and all the residents in the home’s care.
At The Gertler Law Firm, we take allegations of nursing home abuse extremely seriously, and we can help make sure that your loved one is being properly cared for. Call us today at (504) 527-8767 and talk to a nursing home abuse attorney for free.