Mold is all around us, both inside and outside our homes. Some of that mold is harmless and others are more dangerous. Any mold found inside a home should be removed quickly, but that removal can be costly. Homeowners insurance and mold don’t always mesh well, but it’s important to know if and how mold is covered in your policy.
Types Of Mold You May Find In Your Home
Mold can be classified into three different categories: allergenic, pathogenic, and toxigenic. Allergenic molds are those that affect allergies and can cause moderate or even severe asthma attacks. Pathogenic molds cause health problems in those who have chronic illnesses. Toxigenic molds are the most dangerous and can lead to very serious health problems, like mesothelioma.
#1 – Acremonium
Acremonium mold is a toxic mold that usually grows in household systems that produce condensation, like humidifiers and drain pans. It’s known to grow with other dangerous molds, which can cause a large-scale mold problem in a home.
Exposure to acremonium mold can cause serious and dangerous health problems. Long-term exposure can lead to damage to body organs like bone marrow and the immune system.
#2 – Alternaria
Alternaria is one of the most common types of household mold. It is an allergenic type of mold that is found in very wet areas, like showers and leaking sinks.
Exposure to alternaria causes issues in the upper respiratory tract similar to symptoms of asthma and chest or head colds.