How Much Does The Average Mesothelioma Lawsuit Give Victims In New Orleans?
By:Gertler Law Firm
Published:June 22, 2018
How Much You Might Win In A Mesothelioma Lawsuit In New Orleans
It would be convenient if there were a “typical” mesothelioma case.
The truth is that each case is unique. The awards and settlements that people with mesothelioma receive in New Orleans vary a lot.
Nationally, groups like the RAND Corporation and Mealey’s Litigation Report have estimated that the average mesothelioma case wins approximately a million dollars per claim.
Without an extensive understanding of a particular case, it’s impossible to guess what it might be worth.
Some claims will result in settlements or awards well below that figure, and others yield awards or settlements far higher.
At Gertler Law Firm, we focus on personal injury litigation, providing our clients with a level of commitment and expertise that only the best personal injury lawyers can offer. - Call Us Now - (504) 527-8767