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Who Is At Increased Risk For Developing Mesothelioma?

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Typically, it is shipyard workers, producers of asbestos products, employees in the construction industries and at various refineries are at risk if they worked around asbestos products.

Family members living with asbestos workers also have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma. This risk may be the result of exposure to asbestos dust fibers brought home on work clothing.

If you have questions about Mesothelioma or your legal rights after a diagnosis or death, call the Gertler Law Firm at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

At Gertler Law Firm, we focus on personal injury litigation, providing our clients with a level of commitment and expertise that only the best personal injury lawyers can offer. - Call Us Now - (504) 527-8767

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