In a mesothelioma lawsuit, deciding the best strategy to move forward involves many factors, including where the case should be filed.
Determining whether or not Louisiana is the appropriate place for your claim is something you should talk about with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer.
In many cases, where you live now isn’t material to the case, but in some instances there are advantages to filing in other jurisdictions where you lived and worked and suffered asbestos exposure.
If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma in New Orleans, start your search with The Gertler Law Firm.
We were the first law firm to obtain a judgment linking asbestos exposure to mesothelioma in Louisiana.
And our team of attorneys has the ability to help you in many venues across the United States to make sure that you are able to hold past employers accountable and get the compensation you deserve.
To talk to an experienced mesothelioma lawyer in New Orleans, call us today at (504) 527-8767 for a free, no-pressure consultation.