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Are Louisiana Auto Mechanics At Risk For Mesothelioma?

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Are Louisiana Mechanics Exposed To Asbestos?

Auto mechanics continue to be at unique risk for asbestos exposure in Louisiana and nationwide. Consequently, mechanics and their family members may be at higher risk for developing mesothelioma later in life.

Because many automotive engine parts produce heat through constant friction, asbestos has long been the preferred insulator in components like brake pads and linings, transmission parts, and clutch facings.

While asbestos has become much more highly regulated in the United States since the 1970s, the automotive industry continues to rely on it. Mechanics are exposed to asbestos dust when replacing brakes, gaskets, repairing or replacing transmissions, and other work, especially on older cars and trucks.

Even modern brake systems use asbestos, and when replacement is performed in a shop, the asbestos-containing dust produced by the action of the worn brakes is released into the air where it can be breathed in by employees and cover the clothes they may wear home.

Many shops in Louisiana provide their employees with respirators and other protective equipment, but ultimately it’s up to the mechanic to choose to use the equipment provided.

Because mesothelioma is a cancer that can take decades to develop, many people working in the field may not feel a sense of urgency when it comes to protecting themselves from asbestos. Mechanics exposed to asbestos may not realize they have symptoms associated with Mesothelioma.

Retired auto mechanics in Louisiana or their family members who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma are entitled to resources to help protect them and fight their disease. It doesn’t matter whether they reside in New Orleans or elsewhere in the state.

The Gertler Law Firm connects individuals suffering from asbestos exposure to the compensation they deserve. Call us today at (504) 527-8767 to talk to an experienced Louisiana mesothelioma attorney today.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

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