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Louisiana Strict Liability Laws For Animal Bites & Injuries

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Louisiana Strict Liability Laws For Animal Bites & InjuriesSo, what are the dog bite laws in New Orleans? That, and many other questions are what come to mind after a child or other family member was bitten by a dog or some other animal.

Along with the immediate concerns of the victim’s well-being, seeking medical attention, and doing what you can to document what’s happened, there will no doubt be questions about legal responsibility and liability.

At Gertler Accident and Injury Attorneys, we are here to answer all your questions about animal bites and help you determine if you have a good case. To find out more, call our New Orleans law firm today for a free consultation!

Do The Laws On Bites & Injuries Vary Based On Where You Live?

Yes, these laws will vary from location to location, so it’s important to know what the particular legislation is in your area. In Louisiana, luckily, the law is clear. With that said, there are some aspects that you need to keep in mind when building and presenting your case. First, let’s take a look at what the law says.

What Are The Dog Bite Laws In New Orleans?

In Louisiana, liability for animal bites and injuries is covered under what’s commonly referred to as the “dog bite law,” although it’s important to note that this law also covers bites or injuries that involve other animals too.

Another important aspect of this law is that it doesn’t only cover animal bites. If you are in any way injured by an owned animal, this law applies. Whether you’re scratched or clawed, knocked down, or injured in any other way by the animal, this law applies.

Are There Exceptions To The Laws For Animal Bites And Injuries?

There aren’t many exceptions to this law, but they do exist. Specifically, if the victim provoked the animal in question, or if they were attacked while trespassing, then the animal’s owner is not liable.

This seems pretty straightforward in theory, but harder to prove in practice. It’s all too common for animal owners or their attorneys to argue that the victim was trespassing when they were not, or that they somehow provoked the animal even if they didn’t do anything wrong. This is just one of many reasons why proper documentation is vital to any animal bite or injury case in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Preparing For Dog Bite And Injury Claims

A simple way that this type of confusing situation can be avoided is by collecting evidence, documentation, and even witnesses that can help your case. The last thing you need after having you or someone you love suffer an animal attack is to have your legal options diminished because of a lie. Our New Orleans animal bite and injury attorneys can build a strong case for you once you meet with us and provide all of the material information that you have.

What Are My Legal Options After An Animal Attack?

Usually, the legal aspects of an animal bite or injury will be the very last thing on a family’s mind. Far more important is that their loved one is alive, in good health, and out of harm’s way, and that they can get the medical and even therapeutic help they need after the incident.

Once the bills start to pile up, it becomes obvious that you will need the help of experienced and skilled dog bite injury attorneys in New Orleans. At Gertler Accident and Injury Attorneys, we have a proven track record of defending cases just like yours. We’ve built our reputation by building relationships instead of just taking cases like other firms.

Our Attorneys Know The Louisiana Strict Liability Laws For Bites & Injuries

We are among the top New Orleans dog bite attorneys for a reason – we care. We know that every case represents a trauma that a real person has suffered, and we work hard to represent you and your family so that you can get the support you need and deserve. If you or a loved one have suffered an animal bite or related injury, reach out to Gertler Accident and Injury Attorneys today. We’re here to help.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

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