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Why Is Mesothelioma So Hard For Doctors To Diagnose In Louisiana?

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Filing A Lawsuit After Mesothelioma Diagnosis In Louisiana

First, the early symptoms of mesothelioma aren’t necessarily things that would raise red flags, particularly in older adults.

Early symptoms can include extremely vague indicators like fatigue and just generally feeling run down. Many people can easily mistake a cough or shortness of breath as allergy symptoms or a stubborn cold.

By the time it’s clear that there is something more serious happening, mesothelioma has usually spread.

Diagnosis can still be difficult, with oncologists sometimes having to rely on less common diagnostic tests to identify the source of the problem as mesothelioma.

Unfortunately, by the time that happens, the cancer has often progressed to a late stage that makes it more difficult to treat.

Experienced Mesothelioma Attorney In Louisiana For Filing Asbestos Injury Claims

If you know you worked in a facility or occupation where asbestos was used, it’s important that you take proactive steps to manage your health.

Get annual checkups with your physician, and don’t let lingering symptoms go unreported.

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma at any stage, you may have rights to compensation for your asbestos exposure injury.

Call The Gertler Law Firm today at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation with an experienced New Orleans mesothelioma lawyer.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

At Gertler Law Firm, we focus on personal injury litigation, providing our clients with a level of commitment and expertise that only the best personal injury lawyers can offer. - Call Us Now - (504) 527-8767

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