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How Are Pleural And Peritoneal Mesothelioma Different?

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma are the two most common types of mesothelioma.

Pleural Mesothelioma represents about 75% of cases.

The names reflect where in the body mesothelioma has formed.

A person diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma will have tumors in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity.

Peritoneal mesothelioma has gotten into the lining of the abdominal cavity and the organs contained there.

It is believed that pleural mesothelioma is the most common because breathing in asbestos is the most common method of exposure.

How Asbestos Exposure Causes Mesothelioma Cancer

When asbestos is handled, it produces a cloud of fibers. These fibers are small enough to work their way into the small airways of the lungs, where they can’t be cleared out by coughing.

At the same time, fibers that are breathed in the mouth can be swallowed. This allows the fibers to embed within the digestive tract and body.

Years of irritation and inflammation of tissues can ultimately lead to mesothelioma cancer.

Both forms of the disease are extremely dangerous. However, researchers are constantly investigating new and better treatment options to help give hope – and time – to those affected.

Treating mesothelioma is a long and expensive process, and workers and their family members who suffered asbestos exposure are entitled to compensation for their injuries.

If you’ve been diagnosed with pleural or peritoneal mesothelioma in New Orleans, call The Gertler Law Firm today at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

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