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Strengthen Your Personal Injury Claim: The Role Of Photos And Journals In Louisiana

  • By: Gertler Law Firm
  • Published: October 4, 2024
Woman experiencing neck pain while writing notes, illustrating a personal injury claim process

How Can Photos And Journals Impact Your Personal Injury Claim In Orleans Parish, LA?

Photos and journals can be critical in a personal injury claim. A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in personal injury cases. Photos vividly capture the physical impact of an injury, often more effectively than words alone. For instance, a photo of a badly swollen ankle can powerfully convey the extent of the injury. Journals, on the other hand, provide detailed, day-to-day accounts of how the injury affects your life and help track your healing. This documentation can be invaluable when presenting your case at trial.

What Is An Injury Journal? What Details Should I Include In One?

An injury journal is a daily record of how your injuries affect you and your healing. It doesn’t need to be lengthy; a couple of paragraphs each day are sufficient. Include details about your physical condition, how the injury impacts your ability to work or enjoy life, and any frustrations you experience. This can be a powerful tool when presenting your case at trial.

How Often Should I Take Photos Of My Injuries?

You don’t need to take photos daily, but capturing images every three to four days can be effective. This frequency helps document the progression of your injury and the progress of your recovery.

Is There Anything I Should Avoid When Documenting My Injuries For A Personal Injury Claim?

Avoid overwhelming your injury journal with excessive details—keep it clear and concise. When taking photos, ensure they are well-lit and focused so your injury is clearly visible to a jury or judge later on.

Is It Safe To Post About My Injuries On Social Media?

Do not post anything about your accident, injuries, or lawsuit on social media. Defendants often use this information against you, so it’s best to keep all details off social media platforms.

How Can I Organize My Photos And Journal Entries In The Best Way For My Orleans Parish Personal Injury Attorney To Review?

Ensure your journal entries are dated and in chronological order to track the progression of your injuries, healing process, and limitations. Photos should also be dated and, if possible, include a note as to when and/or where they were taken. Chronologically organizing things makes it easier for your attorney to present your case effectively.

Pain Journals And Photo Evidence Playing A Significant Role

I recently represented a woman who was badly injured in a pressure cooker explosion in New Orleans. My client suffered severe burns over much of her body. Although she didn’t keep a pain journal, she took photos of her burn wounds and documented the healing process over several months. Presenting these photos to the jury, which clearly showed the extent of her injuries and the lengthy healing process, was instrumental in securing a substantial verdict in her favor.

It felt great to be able to help her secure the verdict she did, and I was incredibly happy for her. I was very pleased that she was able to achieve a significant amount of justice for what she went through. Even though this can’t undo her suffering, it was a small token of justice she deserved.

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started?

For more information on Strengthen Your Personal Injury Claim, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (504) 527-8767 today.

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