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What Legal Steps Should I Take For Dog Bite Injuries In New Orleans

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

What Legal Steps Should I Take For Dog Bite Injuries In New OrleansIf you’ve been the victim of a dog bite or similar animal injury, then you know just how traumatic and frightening the experience can be. Aside from the immediate effects of the injury itself, there are the lasting effects of scars and disfigurements as well as the possibility for emotional wounds related to the trauma.

At Gertler Accident and Injury Attorneys, we are dedicated to making sure you understand your rights and the process of building a case for dog bite injuries in New Orleans. When you’re ready for a consultation, call our experienced team.

What To Do Right After A Dog Bite Injury

First, your immediate concern is making sure that your medical, emotional, and financial needs are met. You’ll likely have many questions when it comes to legal liability including, what evidence to gather and how to secure the services of a qualified New Orleans dog bite injury attorney.

This article reviews the most common steps taken in a dog bite injury case, including those that you should take right away and how our team can help you through the process.

Contact The Authorities Immediately

The very first thing you need to do is call 911 and follow all of the instructions that dispatch gives you. If possible, do your best to ensure you are in a safe place away from the animal. Ideally, you’d be able to get a photo of the dog or animal in question for evidence later, but if your immediate safety is at risk, make sure that you prioritize getting yourself out of harm’s way.

Find Out Who Owns The Animal If Possible

While checking the animal’s collar will likely not be an option for you, you can check with neighbors in the surrounding area to find out who owns the dog and where they live. Once you have that information, you should do what you can to get the owner’s contact information.

Document Everything That Happens

Along with trying to get pictures of the dog, you should definitely take photos of the area where the attack occurred as well as any injuries you might have received in the attack. This last part is especially important, as wounds will obviously change over time.

It’s important that you take photos of your injuries as soon as possible and not wait for someone at the hospital or urgent care to take them. With this information, our dog bite injury attorneys in New Orleans will work with you to ensure that you are properly compensated for your injuries, and appropriate reparation always starts with accurate documentation.

Get Medical Help – No Matter What

Even if you don’t think you’re hurt, you should seek medical help right away. You’ll likely be in shock, so you might not be aware of the extent of your injuries.

Seeing a doctor is important even if those injuries aren’t severe, and you’ll be doing your due diligence in collecting medical documentation of the attack. With the record of the incident and the extent of your injuries on file, our New Orleans dog bite attorneys can begin to build a solid case for you.

Seek Out the Services of a Professional Dog Bite Injury Lawyer

When you suffer from a dog bite or similar injury, you need to be sure that your rights are protected, and the best way to do that is to secure the services of an experienced attorney.

Even if the owner of the dog offers to compensate you, it’s still vital you talk to an expert. You can count on the Gertler Accident and Injury Attorneys to fight for you and the compensation you deserve.

Our New Orleans accident and injury firm has years of experience handling dog bite cases just like yours.

We focus on helping you, and that starts with developing a relationship from the moment we first speak with you. When you need a professional who will fight for you in court and out so that you can get the peace of mind that you deserve, call our expert attorneys.

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

At Gertler Law Firm, we focus on personal injury litigation, providing our clients with a level of commitment and expertise that only the best personal injury lawyers can offer. - Call Us Now - (504) 527-8767

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