Why Do People With Mesothelioma Need To Hire Lawyers In New Orleans?
By:Gertler Law Firm
Published:August 15, 2018
Mesothelioma always represents an instance of negligence on the part of asbestos companies and many large employers who knowingly exposed their workers to carcinogenic asbestos fibers without informing them of the dangers or providing safety equipment to protect them.
When a person is diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s usually based on workplace exposure to asbestos, though sometimes the person is a close family member of someone who worked in a contaminated facility.
This type of exposure is considered second-hand or secondary asbestos exposure, and people who develop mesothelioma this way are still eligible for compensation.
At The Gertler Law Firm, we were the first Louisiana firm to win a judgment linking mesothelioma to asbestos, and our record of providing excellent service and results to our clients is second to none.
If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma in New Orleans, call us today at (504) 527-8767 for a free consultation with an experienced New Orleans mesothelioma attorney.
At Gertler Law Firm, we focus on personal injury litigation, providing our clients with a level of commitment and expertise that only the best personal injury lawyers can offer. - Call Us Now - (504) 527-8767