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I Worked In A Louisiana Chemical Plant, And Now I’ve Been Diagnosed With Mesothelioma. Can I File A Claim?

  • By: Gertler Law Firm

Exposure to asbestos is an unfortunate reality for many of New Orleans’ citizens. Asbestos was once used extensively in Louisiana chemical plants, shipyards and oil refineries. It also was used in the construction of many older homes.

Mesothelioma may not develop until twenty years or more after exposure to asbestos. As a result, it often appears in individuals who no longer work in a workplace where asbestos was used. These individuals are allowed to file a claim, but they must be prepared to offer proof of where the exposure occurred.

Because exposure to asbestos is virtually the only cause of mesothelioma, however, it is often possible to narrow down the source. If you have mesothelioma and wish to pursue a claim, you should consult with an attorney experienced in this field. Be prepared to provide him or her with a full work history, and a list of products used during your employment.

With this information, your lawyer can begin the process of determining who is responsible and if you have a potential lawsuit against them.

If you have any questions regarding mesothelioma lawsuits and wish to get answers to the questions you have from an experienced New Orleans Mesothelioma Attorney, please feel free to call me at (504) 527-8767 .

Gertler Law Firm - New Orleans, LA

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